
Summer holidays.

Do not inform in advance about the program you intend to follow on the summer holidays. For example, you do not need to “post” when you will be going on holiday, where you are going and with whom.

Do not frequently check-in from the places you are, especially during your holidays, clearly indicating that you are away from your residence.

During your holidays you can “upload” an older photo from your city of permanent residence, confusing anyone who has been in the process of watching your profile.

Don’t leave your social media profiles public. You don’t have to your personal life to be exposed to the general public but only to your friends.

Summer holidays are the best time of the year for everyone. It marks the relaxation and rest of the whole season. Besides, semantically holiday means “to take a break from what I’m always doing”. So, let’s give both of them social media profiles the right to take a vacation this summer as much for you personally and for your safety.