
The most common mistakes to avoid when choosing burglar alarm system.

The most common mistakes to avoid when choosing burglar alarm system.

You have decided to enhance the security of your premises and invest in an affordable, modern, high-tech and durable alarm system.

In our experience, quite often, we encounter significant shortcomings and errors in the installation of alarm systems, usually due to ignorance, incorrect planning of needs and space or even economy. Errors that almost always burden the user, both financially and in the quality of security, and their rectification usually requires additional costly interventions.

For this reason, we have identified and summarized for you the most common mistakes to avoid when choosing the alarm of your choice.

  1. Disregard for equipment certifications.

The quality of each system is closely linked to the available certifications from international standards. A modern recognized software will undoubtedly provide you with guarantees of good operation as it adopts the latest technological trends.

Finding out about certifications is very important for your safety.

  1. Selection based on aesthetics and price rather than timelessness and robustness of the system.

The alarm is not a decorative item for display, or is it a product of cheap telephone sales. Don’t trust a security system just because it is inexpensive, or expensive, or has a modern design and high aesthetics. These criteria are not in themselves reasons to choose if the alarm does not come with the necessary factory guarantees and is not branded.

Ask for branded solutions with factory warranties and a guarantee of good programming and system settings.


  1. Installation by non-experts.

For the installation, only experts in the field of security who have experience and specialize in security systems are responsible. Their certification by the Police, which approves operating licenses and controls companies operating in the sector, also plays an important role.

Turn exclusively to specialists. Do not hesitate to ask for the installer’s operating license, he is obliged to indicate it to you.

  1. Ignorance of all the options available for your space.

It is often the case that users are unaware of their needs and ignore the possible options for a reliable investment in their security. If you need a comprehensive proposal do not hesitate to persistently seek a technical security consultant installer who will not only meet your needs, but will suggest solutions and remain loyal to your security after installation.

Remember, you have the right to request, free of charge, a comprehensive written study and financial proposal from any professional serving the industry.


  1. Incomplete delivery and user training.

Your unfamiliarity with the alarm you intended to install eventually makes it dysfunctional and often inactive. Demand that you be well trained in the use of your new alarm. None of us were born experts, the installer/technician’s role is to deliver all of its functions in detail until you fully understand them.

Ask for a user manual with instructions for you, or other users of the system, to refer to in case of an emergency.